DNI List
Italics - does not apply if we were friends prior
Bold - important
If you support the IDF in ANY capacity (FUCK THE IDF AND FREE PALESTINE)
Basic DNI Criteria (MAPs/NOMAPs, racists, homophobes, transphobes which include transmeds, etc.)
Minorsif u are Brainworms...Right-wing in any capacity
Anti-ACAB/BLM, believe in "reverse racism"
Talk over POC/BIPOC
Cishet pride, neopronoun/xenogender/microlabel exclusionist, aspec/arospec exclusionist
Believe multisexual people are biphobic/invalidate bisexuals,
Pro/com-shipper/anti-antiPro-ana/ed, pro-SH, anti-recovery, romanticize mental illness ("yandere" trope, depressed/suicidal people, etc.)
Don't believe fiction affects reality (it does and there's proof here)
Agere/DDLG kink (ageres for coping reasons are fine)Cryptobros, NFT artist/supporter/buyer, AI "artist"Fujoshi or fudanshi/wlw or mlm fetishizer
Believe in transracialism/RCTA and/or transageism (NOT transracial adoption)D/QSMP, Hetalia, AoT, and South Park fans
Genshin Impact, Danganronpa fans, and MHA fans
K-pop fans/stans
Nicki Minaj, Ariana Grande, Ayesha Erotica, Cardi B, Kanye West/Ye bootlickers
Support Netflix's Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story series